I just did a long oral history on Zoom with Joan Suarez a few weeks ago .about the Farah strike. She lives in StLouis and has some health issues but was great. The U of Texas has posted the material.Bill
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On May 28, 2024, at 5:49 AM, Beck, John <beckj@msu.edu> wrote:
John Revitte tragically died a few years ago, but I have fond memories of 189 and would gladly join as well.
John P. Beck
Laboe Education Program
Michigan State University
From: John David <jdavid@citynet.net>
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2024 11:12 PM
To: William Barry <billbarry21214@gmail.com>
Cc: Tom Rankin <trankin.cara@gmail.com>; UALE listserv <ualelist@list.uale.org>
Subject: [Ualeindiv] Re: AAUP Local 6741 of the AFT | AAUPAs the person on the left in the photo and the former Southern Representative on Ann's Board, I would favor and join a reborn 189 in a heartbeat. Also, I just looked up and Lee gave a thumbs up as well. Should I contact Jim Wolff, Ann, Revitte, and Hoagie also?
A cadre of us are still operating the Southern Appalachian Labor School. Our summer school starts Saturday for 10 weeks with a total of 300 participants from throughout the United States..
John David
On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 12:35 PM William Barry <billbarry21214@gmail.com> wrote:
<Local 189.JPG>
On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 5:03 AM John Hanson <jhanson@maine.edu> wrote:
Thanks for the note and update on Local(?) 189 vis a vis AFT. While it's been almost twenty years since my retirement from the University of Maine's Bureau of Labor Education, there remains a place in my heart, and my mind, for what waa Local 189 and the extensive field of University/College based Labor Education.
It is heartening to hear someone raising questions about what the affiliations (AFT and later CWA) were and paths for the future.
Best thoughts and wishes to all and sincere appreciation for the questions being raised.
In Solidarity,
John R. Hanson
On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 7:29 PM William Barry <billbarry21214@gmail.com> wrote:
It is a sordid history as Albert Shanker opposed AFT president David Selden in 1974 and Selden was a Local 189 member and had the support of all of us in the overalls brigade over Viet Nam. When Shanker was elected, he expelled Local 189 in revenge.
Jon Bloom has a great history of Local 189.
Bill Barry
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On May 26, 2024, at 7:05 PM, Joe Berry <joeberry@igc.org> wrote:
Nice to hear from you, Tom. It would be hard to dispassionately summarize the real reason for the expulsion, but my own reading of the history (It was a bit before I joined) is thatm it was mainly over opposition to the VN war. Other can add more details if they wish.
co-author with Helena Worthen, of Power Despite Precarity: strategies for the contingent faculty movement in higher education. Order at <https://www.plutobooks.com/9780745345529/power-despite-precarity>
Paperbacks come with free e-books. Books ship from Chicago. Or order from Labor’s Bookstore at https://www.laborsbookstore.com/collections/all/products/power-despite-precarity-strategies-for-the-contingent-faculty-movement
<Cover PDP high res cover.jpeg>
Joe Berry
21 San Mateo Road,
Berkeley, CA 94707
Skype: joeberry1948On May 26, 2024, at 3:27 PM, Tom Rankin <trankin.cara@gmail.com> wrote:
A good thought, Joe. It would be interesting for people like me who are unfamiliar with the results of the earlier approaches to International Unions to know why nothing came to fruition. I ,too, was once a member of Worker Education Local 189.
Thanks ,
Tom Rankin
Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse typos.On May 24, 2024, at 11:52 AM, Joe Berry <joeberry@igc.org> wrote:
Fellow labor educators,
As the message below indicates, AFT has evedently abandoned its former position of decades ago that resulted in the expulsion of old Woerker Education local 189, AFT (one of the predecessor organizations of UALE) on the basis that is was no longer a union with a distinct employer of its members. In this current case, might UALE want to consider discussing approaching national AFT about the possibility of affiliation, as we have in the past with CWA, USW, NWU/UAW, et al? Just a thought.
In solidarity,
Joe Berry,
As you can see from the below, AFT has evidently relinquished it
co-author with Helena Worthen, of Power Despite Precarity: strategies for the contingent faculty movement in higher education. Order at <https://www.plutobooks.com/9780745345529/power-despite-precarity>
Paperbacks come with free e-books. Books ship from Chicago. Or order from Labor’s Bookstore at https://www.laborsbookstore.com/collections/all/products/power-despite-precarity-strategies-for-the-contingent-faculty-movement
<Cover PDP high res cover.jpeg>
Joe Berry
21 San Mateo Road,
Berkeley, CA 94707
Skype: joeberry1948_______________________________________________
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