Hi folks--
Was wondering if anyone has resources or guides in Spanish that would be
useful for a training or workshop with members/workers on:
Also, has anyone come across basic strategic research tools that are
available in Spanish? (Or at least seem to work well under something like
Google Translate?)
Marc Rodrigues
Research Analyst | he/him https://www.mypronouns.org/
Center for Popular Democracy + CPD Action
M: 813.390.5727
populardemocracy.org | cpdaction.org
Proud member, CPD Unit, Washington-Baltimore News Guild/TNG-CWA Local
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Hi Marc,
Did you know the ALF-CIO has a "Research Webinar Library"? In it, they store webinar training talks and printable resource sheets, teaching people how to do opposition research and use data for campaigns.
I don't think this link will work:
But you can request access:
None of the material as far as I can see is in Spanish or has been translated.
Jordan Thompson, MA, (he/him)
Union Representative
Direct: (780) 930-5275
Email: tel:(780)%20930-5275 j.thompson@aupe.orgmailto:j.thompson@aupe.org
10025 - 182 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5S 0P7
[cid:facebook_32x32_00699706-0834-4cc4-bbe1-c84fc94c0a04.png]https://www.facebook.com/yourAUPE https://www.twitter.com/_AUPE_ [cid:x_32x32_fd113671-8896-44cc-a1e3-43507f3a444a.png] https://twitter.com/_AUPE_ [cid:instagram_32x32_7994a854-4cc3-44e4-9731-dd34516931c3.png] https://www.instagram.com/_AUPE_ https://www.youtube.com/user/AlbertaUnion
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Treaty Land Acknowledgement
As we come together to conduct our union business on Treaty 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10 lands, AUPE would like to voice our continued commitment to walking the path of reconciliation with the many First Nations, M?tis, and Inuit peoples of Turtle Island. The journey to this day has not been easy. It is important to acknowledge the damage and horrific loss of life due to colonial practices of forced disconnection from land, family, culture, language, and community. Recognizing the legacy of tradition and history is a step on the path to healing, and we will work towards a future in which we are living reconciliation, not just speaking about it.
From: Marc Rodrigues mrodrigues@populardemocracy.org
Sent: May 23, 2024 11:26 AM
To: LRAN@groups.io LRAN@groups.io
Cc: ualelist@list.uale.org ualelist@list.uale.org
Subject: [Ualeindiv] Research training resources in Spanish?
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Hi folks--
Was wondering if anyone has resources or guides in Spanish that would be useful for a training or workshop with members/workers on:
Also, has anyone come across basic strategic research tools that are available in Spanish? (Or at least seem to work well under something like Google Translate?)
Marc Rodrigues
Research Analyst | he/himhttps://www.mypronouns.org/
Center for Popular Democracy + CPD Action
M: 813.390.5727tel:813.390.5727
populardemocracy.orghttps://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fpopulardemocracy.org%2f&c=E,1,-ATt33WZx9pjVuZsed8C2E1d4DDAdQolQzggv1Ta-zAI9jeaAxqC6OmUClyAqcBGJd7xgdKTSrb2Muq0733XxUFInP_-veY2kW096PFDHItB-C_q4kZ0jZc,&typo=1 | cpdaction.orghttps://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fcpdaction.org%2f&c=E,1,2ou00ZjLAdiaTYb1RTSIc_KHMZfz8wYyJZ_jMvPQtbjwohKAyJTy2bMm9cvCt5qguzykquCA1nV1WDfedYKNvJtlCco1XNzaB7Vf9r17hA,,&typo=1
Proud member, CPD Unit, Washington-Baltimore News Guild/TNG-CWA Local 32035
"This message (including any attachments) may contain confidential or sensitive information which may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on its content, is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail and delete this message from your system. Thank you."