UALE, HELU and LRAN colleagues,
I have a request for assistance given to me by friends from Northern Virginia. Without tell the long story behind it, the request is for a local (N VA) lawyer, or legal expert, who can advise on issues related to employment status of UBER drivers in the current legal environment in that state (or possibly neighboring DC &/or MD). This would be especially regarding financial responsibility for auto accident and injury as a consequence. The Uber driver was NOT at fault, but UBER is trying to get him to go away with a small financial settlement. Can any of you help him get in touch with some specialized local legal help in this terrible situation. The person in question is a Kurdish immigrant to the US with many previous injuries due to have been a bodyguard for a US serviceman in Middle East wars.
Thanks in advance for your help.
In solidarity,
Joe Berry
co-author with Helena Worthen, of Power Despite Precarity: strategies for the contingent faculty movement in higher education. Order at
Paperbacks come with free e-books. Books ship from Chicago. Or order from Labor’s Bookstore at

Joe Berry
21 San Mateo Road,
Berkeley, CA 94707
cell-510-999-0751 or
Skype: joeberry1948
Hi Joe,Attorney Queen might be helpful with this case, and is active in the National Employment Lawyers Association.
Barbara Allyn Queen - Profile | NELA Exchange
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 22, 2024, at 4:18 PM, Joe <> wrote:
UALE, HELU and LRAN colleagues,
I have a request for assistance given to me by friends from Northern Virginia. Without tell the long story behind it, the request is for a local (N VA) lawyer, or legal expert, who can advise on issues related to employment status of UBER drivers in the current legal environment in that state (or possibly neighboring DC &/or MD). This would be especially regarding financial responsibility for auto accident and injury as a consequence. The Uber driver was NOT at fault, but UBER is trying to get him to go away with a small financial settlement. Can any of you help him get in touch with some specialized local legal help in this terrible situation. The person in question is a Kurdish immigrant to the US with many previous injuries due to have been a bodyguard for a US serviceman in Middle East wars.
Thanks in advance for your help.
In solidarity,
Joe Berry
co-author with Helena Worthen, of Power Despite Precarity: strategies for the contingent faculty movement in higher education. Order at <>
Paperbacks come with free e-books. Books ship from Chicago. Or order from Labor’s Bookstore at
<Cover PDP high res cover.jpeg>
Joe Berry
21 San Mateo Road,
Berkeley, CA 94707
Skype: joeberry1948.,.,_ Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
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I sent Joe's message along to Chris Townsend, an organizer in Northern VA,
and to Virginia Diamond, head of the NVA Labor Council
On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 4:18 PM Joe wrote:
UALE, HELU and LRAN colleagues,
I have a request for assistance given to me by friends from Northern
Virginia. Without tell the long story behind it, the request is for a local
(N VA) lawyer, or legal expert, who can advise on issues related to
employment status of UBER drivers in the current legal environment in that
state (or possibly neighboring DC &/or MD). This would be especially
regarding financial responsibility for auto accident and injury as a
consequence. The Uber driver was NOT at fault, but UBER is trying to get
him to go away with a small financial settlement. Can any of you help him
get in touch with some specialized local legal help in this terrible
situation. The person in question is a Kurdish immigrant to the US with
many previous injuries due to have been a bodyguard for a US serviceman in
Middle East wars.
Thanks in advance for your help.
In solidarity,
Joe Berry
co-author with Helena Worthen, of Power Despite Precarity: strategies for
the contingent faculty movement in higher education. Order at <>
Paperbacks come with free e-books. Books ship from Chicago. Or order from
Labor’s Bookstore at
[image: Cover PDP high res cover.jpeg]
Joe Berry
21 San Mateo Road,
Berkeley, CA 94707
cell-510-999-0751 or
Skype: joeberry1948 Links:
You receive all messages sent to this group.
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"We are either part of the solution or part of the problem"
"The only reason an organization has dead wood is that management either
hired dead wood or it hired live wood and killed it." - W. Edwards Deming
You can try reaching out to the NY Taxi Workers Alliance -they have
chapters around the country.
Alethia Jones, Ph.D.
Mobile: (646) 589-5061
*The information in this email is only for the intended recipient and only
for its intended use. *
On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 4:18 PM Joe Berry wrote:
UALE, HELU and LRAN colleagues,
I have a request for assistance given to me by friends from Northern
Virginia. Without tell the long story behind it, the request is for a local
(N VA) lawyer, or legal expert, who can advise on issues related to
employment status of UBER drivers in the current legal environment in that
state (or possibly neighboring DC &/or MD). This would be especially
regarding financial responsibility for auto accident and injury as a
consequence. The Uber driver was NOT at fault, but UBER is trying to get
him to go away with a small financial settlement. Can any of you help him
get in touch with some specialized local legal help in this terrible
situation. The person in question is a Kurdish immigrant to the US with
many previous injuries due to have been a bodyguard for a US serviceman in
Middle East wars.
Thanks in advance for your help.
In solidarity,
Joe Berry
co-author with Helena Worthen, of Power Despite Precarity: strategies for
the contingent faculty movement in higher education. Order at <>
Paperbacks come with free e-books. Books ship from Chicago. Or order from
Labor’s Bookstore at
[image: Cover PDP high res cover.jpeg]
Joe Berry
21 San Mateo Road,
Berkeley, CA 94707
cell-510-999-0751 or
Skype: joeberry1948
UALEList mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
See UALE's website at <>. You can also like us on Facebook and
follow us on Twitter
There are several "union" lawyers in Virginia. You can look them up:Beins, Axelrod, PC in Alexandria
Gromfine Taylor and Tyler, also in AlexandriaJames Ray Law Office, AlexandriaVergara & Associates in Hopewell
Joan G. HillAttorney Licensed in TennesseeFMCS Rostered ArbitratorOn-Call Presenter Michigan State University
On Monday, April 1, 2024 at 09:22:37 PM CDT, Alethia Jones <> wrote:
You can try reaching out to the NY Taxi Workers Alliance -they have chapters around the country.
Alethia Jones, Ph.D.Mobile: (646) 589-5061
________________The information in this email is only for the intended recipient and only for its intended use.
On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 4:18 PM Joe Berry wrote:
UALE, HELU and LRAN colleagues,
I have a request for assistance given to me by friends from Northern Virginia. Without tell the long story behind it, the request is for a local (N VA) lawyer, or legal expert, who can advise on issues related to employment status of UBER drivers in the current legal environment in that state (or possibly neighboring DC &/or MD). This would be especially regarding financial responsibility for auto accident and injury as a consequence. The Uber driver was NOT at fault, but UBER is trying to get him to go away with a small financial settlement. Can any of you help him get in touch with some specialized local legal help in this terrible situation. The person in question is a Kurdish immigrant to the US with many previous injuries due to have been a bodyguard for a US serviceman in Middle East wars.
Thanks in advance for your help.
In solidarity,
Joe Berry
______________________co-author with Helena Worthen, of Power Despite Precarity: strategies for the contingent faculty movement in higher education. Order at come with free e-books. Books ship from Chicago. Or order from Labor’s Bookstore at
———————Joe Berry21 San Mateo Road,
Berkeley, CA 94707
Skype: joeberry1948
UALEList mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
See UALE's website at <>. You can also like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter
UALEList mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
See UALE's website at <>. You can also like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter
Dollars and Sense has just finished a new edition of the Real World Labor anthology (flyer attached). This 4th edition includes contributions by leading writers and scholars of the labor movement and also a focus on how to organize a union, what workers fight for, and visions for the future. The table of contents is here Most of contributions are recent articles in Dollars and Sense magazine. Please contact Ben Beckett at Dollars & Sense with questions or to request an exam copy (
Dollars and Sense books have been a wonderful, indispensable resource for my students at Indiana University, who love them because they provide an economic perspective they would otherwise have had no idea where to find—one that applies both mainstream economics and radical political economy tools and concepts. Please recommend D&S books to your colleagues.
You may be interested to know that Dollars & Sense books are now also available on the interactive e-book platform Perusall ( a platform that is apparently more student- and instructor-friendly than other e-book options. It allows students to take notes on the texts and collaborate with each other and with the instructor and can be integrated with internal platforms like Blackboard and Canvas. Instructors can upload other course materials for free (students’ access is also free). It’s well suited for online or hybrid courses. D&S textbooks are available on Perusall at a $5 discount, and students save on shipping costs.
In solidarity,
Lynn Duggan
Associate Professor Emerita
Department of Labor Studies
School of Social Work
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47401